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견본신청 문의
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Selected Fables Choisies 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Fontaine
발행년도 2003-03-28
판수 1판
ISBN 9780486295749
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 15,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Selected Fables Choisies


  • First published between 1668 and 1693, the Fables of La Fontaine rank among the masterpieces of French literature. This volume contains 75 of the best, in the original French with new English line-for-line literal translations. "The Cicada and the Ant," "The City Rat and the Country Rat," "The Fox and the Grapes," many more.
  • Introduction La cigale et la fourmi / The Cicada and the Ant (1, 1) [Ae] Le corbeau et le renard / The Crow and the Fox (1, 2) [Ae, Ph] La grenouille qui se veut faire aussi grosse que le boeuf / The Frog Who Wanted to Become as Large as the Ox (1, 3) [Ph, Ho] La besace / The Double Shoulder-Bag (1, 7) [Ph, Av] Le rat de ville, et le rat des champs / The City Rat and the Country Rat (1, 9) [Ap, Ho] Le loup et I'agneau / The Wolf and the Lamb (I, 10) [Ae, Ph] La mort et le bucheron / Death and the Woodcutter (I, 16) [Ae] Le chene et le roseau / The Oak and the Reed (I, 22) [Ae, Av] Contre ceux qui ont le gout difficile / Against the Hard-to-Please (II, 1) [Ph] Les deux taureaux et une grenouille / The Two Bulls and a Frog (II, 4) [Ph] Le lion et le moucheron / The Lion and the Gnat (II, 9) [Ae] Le lion et le rat / The Lion and the Rat (II, 11) [Ae, Mar] La chatte metamorphosee en femme / The Cat Transformed into a Woman (II, 18) [Ae] Le meunier, son fils, et l'ane / The Miller, His Son and the Donkey (III, 1) [Fae, Po, Rac] Le renard et le bouc / The Fox and the Billygoat (III, 5) [Ae] Le renard et les raisins / The Fox and the Grapes (III, 11) [Ae, Ph] Le lion devenu vieux / The Lion Who Had Grown Old (III, 14) [Ph] Le lion amoureux / The Lion in Love (IV, 1) [Ae] Le jardinier et son seigneur / The Gardener and the Squire (IV, 4) Le chameau et les batons flottants / The Camel and the Floating Sticks (IV, 10) [Ae] Le cheval s'etant voulu venger du cerf / The Horse Who Had Wanted to Take Revenge on the Deer (IV, 13) [Ar, Ph, Ho, SM] Le renard et le buste / The Fox and the Bust (IV, 14) [Ae, Ph] Le loup, la chevre, et le chevreau / The Wolf, the Goat and the Kid (IV, 15) [Ne] L'oeil du maitre / The Eye of the Proprietor (IV, 21) [Ph] L'alouette et ses petits, avec le maitre d'un champ / The Lark and Her Young, with the Owner of a Field (IV, 22) [Ge] Le bucheron et Mercure / The Woodcutter and Mercury (V, 1) [Ae, Rab] Le petit poisson et le pecheur / The Little Fish and the Fisherman (V, 3) [Ae] Le satyre et le passant / The Satyr and the Passer-by (V, 7) [Ae] Le laboureur et ses enfants / The Farmer and His Children (V, 9) [Ae] Le serpent et la lime / The Snake and the File (V, 16) [Ph] L'ours et les deux compagnons / The Bear and the Two Companions (V, 20) [Ae, Ab, Com] Phebus et Boree / Phoebus and Boreas (VI, 3) [Av] Le cochet, le chat et le souriceau / The Cockerel, the Cat and the Young Mouse (VI, 5) [Ve] Le lievre et la tortue / The Hare and the Tortoise (VI, 10) [Ae] Le chartier embourbe / The Carter Stuck in the Mud (VI, 18) [Ae, Rab] La jeune veuve / The Young Widow (VI, 21) [Ab] Epilogue / Epilogue [to Books I-VI] (end of VI) A Madame de Montespan / To Madame de Montespan (beginning of VII; dedicatory poem to Books VII-XI) Les animaux malades de la peste / The Plague-Stricken Animals (VII, 1) [Ha, Guer] Les souhaits / The Wishes (VII, 6) [medieval Hebrew or Oriental] La cour du lion / The Court of King Lion (VII, 7) [Re 1] La laitiere et le pot au lait / The Milkmaid and the Jug of Milk (VII, 10) [DP] Le cure et le mort / The Parish Priest and the Dead Man (VII, 11) Les deux coqs / The Two Roosters (VII, 13) [Ae] Les devineresses / The Fortune Tellers (VII, 15) Le chat, la belette, et le petit lapin / The Cat, the Weasel and the Little Rabbit (VII, 16) [Bi] Le mort et le mourant / Death and the Dying Man (VIII, 1) [Ab] Le savetier et le financier / The Cobbler and the Financier (VIII, 2) [Ho, DP] Le lion, le loup, et le renard / The Lion, the Wolf and the Fox (VIII, 3) [Ae] Le pouvoir des fables / The Power of Fables (VIII, 4) [Ae, Ab] L'ours et l'amateur des jardins / The Bear and the Garden Enthusiast (VIII, 10) [Bi] Les deux amis / The Two Friends (VIII, 11) [Bi] Les obseques de la lionne / The Funeral of the Lioness (VIII, 14) [Ab] L'ane et le chien / The Donkey and the Dog (VIII, 17) [Ab] L'avantage de la science / The Advantage of Knowledge (VIII 19) [Ph, Ab] Les deux pigeons / The Two Pigeons (IX, 2) [Bi] Le gland et la citrouille / The Acorn and the Pumpkin (IX, 4) [Tab] L'huitre et les plaideurs / The Oyster and the Litigants (IX, 9) [Bo] Le chat et le renard / The Cat and the Fox (IX, 14) [Cou] Le singe et le chat / The Monkey and the Cat (IX, 17) [Mai, Fai] Discours a Madame de la Sabliere / Discourse to Madame de la Sabliere (IX, unnumbered concluding poem), with inserted fable: Les deux rats, le l'oeuf / The Two Rats, the Fox and the Egg [So, LV] La tortue et les deux canards / The Tortoise and the Two Ducks (X, 2) [Bi] Le berger et le roi / The Shepherd and the King (X, 9) [Bi, Tav] Discours a Monsieur le duc de La Rochefoucauld / Discourse to the Duke de La Rochefoucauld (X, 14) Le songe d'un habitant du Mogol / The Dream of an Inhabitant of the Moghul Empire (XI, 4) [Sa] Le paysan du Danube / The Peasant of the Danube (XI, 7) [Guev] Le vieillard et les trois jeunes hommes / The Old man and the Three Young Men (XI, 8) [Ab] Epilogue / Epilogue [to Books VII-XI] (end of XI) Le vieux chat et la jeune souris / The Old Cat and the Young Mouse (XII, 5) [Ab] Le renard, les mouches, et le herisson / The Fox, the Files and the Hedgehog (XII, 13) [Ar] Le corbeau, la gazelle, la tortue, et le rat / The Raven, the Gazelle, the Tortoise and the Rat (XII, 15) [Bi] Le renard, le loup, et le cheval / The Fox, the Wolf and the Horse (XII, 17) [Re 2] Le Singe / The Ape (XII, 19) Le philosophe scythe / The Scythian Philosopher (XII, 20) [Ge] Le juge arbitre, I'hospitalier, et le solitaire / The Arbitrator, the Hospitaler and Recluse (XII, 24) [VSPD] Alphabetical List of French Titles Alphabetical List of French First Lines
  • Jean de la Fontaine (1621?695) was a French poet whose fables rank among the masterpieces of world literature.
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선택된 옵션

  • Selected Fables Choisies