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Handbook of Analysis and It's Foundations 요약정보 및 구매

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Eric Schechter
발행년도 2019-03-03
페이지 883
ISBN 9780126227604
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 10,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.



  • Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations is a self-contained and unified handbook on mathematical analysis and its foundations. Intended as a self-study guide for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduatestudents in mathematics and a reference for more advanced mathematicians, this highly readable book provides broader coverage than competing texts in the area. Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations provides an introduction to a wide range of topics, including: algebra; topology; normed spaces; integration theory; topological vector spaces; and differential equations. The author effectively demonstrates the relationships between these topics and includes a few chapters on set theory and logic to explain the lack of examples for classical pathological objects whose existence proofs are not constructive. More complete than any other book on the subject, students will find this to be an invaluable handbook. For more information on this book, see http://math.vanderbilt.edu/

    Key Features
    * Covers some hard-to-find results including:
    * Bessagas and Meyers converses of the Contraction Fixed Point Theorem
    * Redefinition of subnets by Aarnes and Andenaes
    * Ghermans characterization of topological convergences
    * Neumanns nonlinear Closed Graph Theorem
    * van Maarens geometry-free version of Sperners Lemma
    * Includes a few advanced topics in functional analysis
    * Features all areas of the foundations of analysis except geometry
    Combines material usually found in many different sources, making this unified treatment more convenient for the user
    * Has its own webpage: http://math.vanderbilt.edu/

    Sets and orderings: sets;


    relations and orderings;

    more about sups and infs;

    sets of sets - filters topologies;

    constructivism and choice;

    nets and convergences. Algebra: elementary algebraic systems;

    concrete categories;

    the real numbers;



    boolean algebras;

    logic and intangibles. Topology and uniformity: toplogical spaces separation and regularity axioms;


    uniform spaces;

    metric and uniform completeness;

    Baire theory;

    positive measure and integration. Topological vector spaces: norms;

    normed operators;

    generalized Riemann integrals;

    Frechet derivatives;

    metrization of groups and vector spaces;

    barrels and other features of TVSs;

    duality and weak compactness;

    vector measures;

    initial value problems.


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