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Modern Algebra: An Introduction, 6th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Durbin, John R.
발행년도 2008-12-01
판수 6판
페이지 338
ISBN 9780470384435
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 42,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Modern Algebra: An Introduction, 6th


  • The new sixth edition of Modern Algebra has two main goals: to introduce the most important kinds of algebraic structures, and to help students improve their ability to understand and work with abstract ideas. The first six chapters present the core of the subject; the remainder are designed to be as flexible as possible. The text covers groups before rings, which is a matter of personal preference for instructors.  Modern Algebra, 6e is appropriate for any one-semester junior/senior level course in Modern Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Structures, or Groups, Rings and Fields.  The course is mostly comprised of mathematics majors, but engineering and computer science majors may also take it as well. 

  • Introduction 1

    I. Mappings and Operations 9

    1 Mappings 9

    2 Composition. Invertible Mappings 15

    3 Operations 19

    4 Composition as an Operation 25

    II. Introduction to Groups 30

    5 Definition and Examples 30

    6 Permutations 34

    7 Subgroups 41

    8 Groups and Symmetry 47

    III. Equivalence. Congruence. Divisibility 52

    9 Equivalence Relations 52

    10 Congruence. The Division Algorithm 57

    11 Integers Modulo 61

    12 Greatest Common Divisors. The Euclidean Algorithm 65

    13 Factorization. Euler’s Phi-Function 70

    IV. Groups 75

    14 Elementary Properties 75

    15 Generators. Direct Products 81

    16 Cosets 85

    17 Lagrange’s Theorem. Cyclic Groups 88

    18 Isomorphism 93

    19 More on Isomorphism 98

    20 Cayley’s Theorem 102

    Appendix: RSA Algorithm 105

    V. Group Homomorphisms 106

    21 Homomorphisms of Groups. Kernels 106

    22 Quotient Groups 110

    23 The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem 114

    VI. Introduction to Rings 120

    24 Definition and Examples 120

    25 Integral Domains. Subrings 125

    26 Fields 128

    27 Isomorphism. Characteristic 131

    VII. The Familiar Number Systems 137

    28 Ordered Integral Domains 137

    29 The Integers 140

    30 Field of Quotients. The Field of Rational Numbers 142

    31 Ordered Fields. The Field of Real Numbers 146

    32 The Field of Complex Numbers 149

    33 Complex Roots of Unity 154

    VIII. Polynomials 160

    34 Definition and Elementary Properties 160

    Appendix to Section 34 162

    35 The Division Algorithm 165

    36 Factorization of Polynomials 169

    37 Unique Factorization Domains 173

    IX. Quotient Rings 178

    38 Homomorphisms of Rings. Ideals 178

    39 Quotient Rings 182

    40 Quotient Rings of F[X] 184

    41 Factorization and Ideals 187

    X. Galois Theory: Overview 193

    42 Simple Extensions. Degree 194

    43 Roots of Polynomials 198

    44 Fundamental Theorem: Introduction 203

    XI. Galois Theory 207

    45 Algebraic Extensions 207

    46 Splitting Fields. Galois Groups 210

    47 Separability and Normality 214

    48 Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory 218

    49 Solvability by Radicals 219

    50 Finite Fields 223

    XII. Geometric Constructions 229

    51 Three Famous Problems 229

    52 Constructible Numbers 233

    53 Impossible Constructions 234

    XIII. Solvable and Alternating Groups 237

    54 Isomorphism Theorems and Solvable Groups 237

    55 Alternating Groups 240

    XIV. Applications of Permutation Groups 243

    56 Groups Acting on Sets 243

    57 Burnside’s Counting Theorem 247

    58 Sylow’s Theorem 252

    XV. Symmetry 256

    59 Finite Symmetry Groups 256

    60 Infinite Two-Dimensional Symmetry Groups 263

    61 On Crystallographic Groups 267

    62 The Euclidean Group 274

    XVI. Lattices and Boolean Algebras 279

    63 Partially Ordered Sets 279

    64 Lattices 283

    65 Boolean Algebras 287

    66 Finite Boolean Algebras 291

    A. Sets 296

    B. Proofs 299

    C. Mathematical Induction 304

    D. Linear Algebra 307

    E. Solutions to Selected Problems 312

    Photo Credit List 326

    Index of Notation 327

    Index 330

  • Dr. John R. Durbin is a professor of Mathematics at The University of Texas Austin. A native Kansan, he received B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University), and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. He came to UT immediately thereafter.
    Professor Durbin has been active in faculty governance at the University for many years. He served as chair of the Faculty Senate, 1982-84 and 1991-92, and as Secretary of the General Faculty, 1975-76 and 1998-2003.
    In September of 2003 he received the University & Civitatis Award,in recognition of dedicated and meritorious service to the University above and beyond the regular expectations of teaching, research, and writing.
    He has received a Teaching Excellence Award from the College of Natural Sciences and an Outstanding Teaching Award from the Department of Mathematics. 

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  • Modern Algebra: An Introduction, 6th